Dear God ❤️
I ask that you send, tremendous Love and Light into the hearts of us, your ever striving children and that this Light, and your eternal Love may alleviate our stress and fears during this time —and always.
May you fill our hearts with the consistent inner knowing that we are loved, guided and protected always.
May we deeply know that everything always has and always will work out for us because we walk in the Grace of a Loving God and we are forever surrounded by angels of Light that hold us and lift us up.
May the same be true for our whole human family now, and always. God, we ask that your deep abiding peace of the Now fill our hearts in this moment like a radiant light, spreading from our beautiful Hearts to the rest of our bodies, calming our nervous system and grounding us into our earthly lives.
We are safe, we are eternal Love in earthly bodies, God is within us, the Light of God is within us now, the Light of Love fills us now, the peace of God is within us now.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
All is well. All is well. All is well.
Goodness here, Grace here, Miracles here. We open our hearts fully to the love of God.
We allow complete and profound healing now.
It is done. So be it and so it is.
So be it and so it is. Amen.