Your Sacred Journey to Emotional Sovereignty
THE BOOK: The Heal What Hurts Process is scheduled to be Published in December of 2025 by Lewellyn Worldwide
Begin your sacred journey of emotional healing with the upcoming release of the transformative manual, "The Heal What Hurts Process: How to Heal Emotional Triggers." Authored by Maria Toso, this profound guide unveils the secrets to mastering your emotional triggers and reclaiming your inner peace. For the first time, the wisdom shared in private sessions and workshops is made accessible to all. Discover how unhealed emotional triggers can lead to destructive patterns—the three "outs" of lashing out, numbing out, and checking out.
When left unhealed, these triggers can manifest in destructive ways, leading to what I call the three "outs":
1. Lashing out/Blaming the Other: When we haven't dealt with our emotional wounds, it's common to project our pain onto others. We may find ourselves lashing out in anger or placing blame on those around us, instead of taking responsibility for our own feelings.
2. Numbing Out: Another common coping mechanism for unresolved emotional pain is to numb ourselves. This can take various forms, such as excessive alcohol or drug consumption, overeating, or indulging in other addictive behaviors. By numbing ourselves, we temporarily escape the discomfort of our emotions, but we never truly address the root cause of our pain.
3. Checking Out: Sometimes, when faced with overwhelming emotions, we may shut down emotionally. We become distant, stonewalling our partners or withdrawing from situations altogether. Checking out may seem like a form of self-preservation, but it ultimately prevents us from experiencing true intimacy and connection.
Through yogic methods like breathwork, Soma Yoga, and deep self-inquiry, you'll learn to navigate these triggers and unearth the root emotional injuries hidden within the energy field of your body. Understanding and addressing our emotional triggers is not merely an act of self-care—it's essential for our overall well-being and the health of our relationships. By delving deeply into our inner landscape, we uncover the root causes of our pain, freeing ourselves from the patterns that keep us stuck in cycles of pain and dysfunction.