Get out from under your numbing agents

Any dependence you might have; on sweets, shopping, alcohol, nicotine -- or even your own emotional drama all takes a toll on your physical well-being. You become unfocused, drained, sluggish, and downright blue. ​

Until we heal emotionally, we use these numbing strategies to help us not feel the pesky anxiety we lack practical tools for.

We mask, we cope, we cover up.

Or we make it someone else's fault that we feel anxious and unfocused. Then the mission becomes to change someone else. This is just another distraction from the real issue.

We can judge these numbing behaviors all day long.

We can shame ourselves, but the truth is that any use of any soothing agent is understandable because the alternative is to feel the fear and tension we are trying to mask. Without tools, that is just way too uncomfortable because we haven't learned what to do with these tight emotions.

This is where the Heal What Hurts Journey comes into the picture. The Heal What Hurts practice is an effective way to address what is really happening inside of you when you pour yourself another glass of wine or shop for one more of that thing you don't need.

When you go through this journey, you learn the life-saving skill of addressing the samskaras that cause the triggered state in the first place.

You become proficient in guiding divine love into the wounded knots that cause addictive behaviors. Your relationships improve because you no longer look to the other person to soothe your inner state. Being in you becomes a soothing experience in and of itself. For real.

You will no longer need that extra cocktail or chocolate bar. Now your body can heal. Now your focus returns.

Your body will find its natural state of glowing health. Your mind will become laser sharp. You finally emerge from the thick fog and become clear in your thinking and life choices.

You become free to be all that you are meant to be.

I urge you to consider learning these skills and teaching others.



PS Respond to this post if you would like to schedule a 10-conversation with Maria about this journey and ensure this is the right time for you to embark on this course of yogic healing.