Date TBA: Lake Sylvia Day Camp for yogis
Date TBA: Lake Sylvia Day Camp for yogis
Release and Let Go by the Lake
Therapeutic Art, Breathwork, Soma Yoga and Meditation Day-Retreat.
Chi-Rho Retreat Center in Annandale, Minnesota
Date TBA
Art materials included
Lunch included
Stress Relief is crucial for optimal health and well-being
This day retreat is for you if you feel ready to release the stressful and anxious energy in your body's energy field. Through Breathwork, Soma Yoga, and guided artistic exercises, you will renew your life force and let go of those pesky, old patterns that compulsively repeat themselves as painful experiences.
Chi-Rho Retreat Center is a gem of an old-school, camp-style property on a peninsula in the spring-fed Lake Silvia in Annandale (a little over one hour from Minneapolis). Address: 5750 Porter Ave NW, Annandale, MN
Please read the cancellation policy before registering for this retreat. READ HERE.