8-Week Meditation Course


8-Week Meditation Course


Dates: 8 Sundays, February 28 - Sunday, April 18, 2021.

Time: 10 AM - 11:30 AM CST

Place: Live on Zoom and online course access

“Yoga citta vritti nirodaha”

Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuation of the mind

Yoga Sutra 1:2


Learning to tame the constant whirling of the mind is the most effective life tool you will ever give yourself. It will impact every area of your life for the better; your health, your mental well-being and your relationships.

From the yogic perspective, your true nature is the life-giving spirit essence at the core of your being. Your individual and fluctuating experience is produced by the content of the mind or citta in sanskrit.

Without developing a meditation practice, you are likely at the mercy of your own thoughts much of the time. If the thoughts are positive you feel good if the thoughts are anxious you feel tight.

The goal of meditation is to cultivate the ability to abide more and more in your true nature. Identifying less and less with your mind’s ever-changing projections and more and more with the eternal light that animates the whole intricate drama that you experience as ‘your life’.

It takes persistence and practice to wrestle yourself free of the illusion that you are at the mercy of life. That your own thoughts have nothing to do with your life as you experience it right now.

It’s a gradual withdrawal from the whirlwind of happenings, thoughts, feelings, actions that you are mostly caught in from the moment you wake up till the moment you go unconscious at night.

The good news is that you are much, much closer to this peaceful and quiet place at your core than you can possibly imagine with your mind.

You have to experience it by actually practicing the quieting down of the noise in the mind.

When you learn meditation, you become able to address the cause of anxiety at the root level.

Through the 8 meditation practices, you will learn in this course you will cultivate authentic peace at the core of your being.

If you are one of the millions largely stuck mostly at home, then now is the perfect time to turn your space into that sacred meditation retreat you never had time to go to.

After the very first class, you are likely to experience a major shift in your state of mind and nervous system.

Learning to tame the constant whirling of the mind is the most effective life tool you will ever give yourself.

The 8-Week Live Meditation Course Content:

  • 8 weekly live online sessions: highly experiential in nature.

  • Access to online course with the same 8 meditations for practice in between meetings.

  • Paradigm-shifting video lessons

  • Original guided meditations

  • Meditation Workbook to make journaling a breeze

  • Students receive $100 off individual coaching sessions with Maria for the duration of the course.

    We offer sliding scale or free passes to anyone experiencing financial hardship.

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