Eliminate Anxiety: The Heal What Hurts Journey (Copy)
Eliminate Anxiety: The Heal What Hurts Journey (Copy)
Learn the Yogic Practices that Dissolve Anxiety & Addictions
February 16-March 9 | 4 Thursdays | 10 AM-11:15 PM CST (17:00-18:15 in the EU)
• Four Live Group Zoom Sessions
• Lifetime Access to the Digital Heal What Hurts Course
• Printable Workbook
• $97 for private sessions purchased during the course
The Heal What Hurts Group Journey:
The Heal what Hurts Group Journey takes you safely through a practical and straightforward process of releasing the emotional triggers where they live in your body's energy field. As long as triggers are not addressed, they continue to operate like hidden landmines embedded in your subconscious. They cause us to turn to numbing agents, food, alcohol, technology etc because we have not learned the techniques that would allow us to heal a trigger rather than numb it.
In the course you will learn to:
Become conscious of what is happening when triggered and recognize your body as your sacred roadmap.
Cope gracefully when you are triggered.
Realize that being triggered is a sacred opportunity for spiritual growth.
Uncover the unconscious script operating from inside of you then you can change the script.
Release the stuck energy of holding grudges that impact your health.
Get excited about who you are in the world, and stop looking to some other person for validation.
Achieve lasting emotional freedom and inner stability.
Signs that something has triggered you:
✔️Your breath feels short, and your heart rate goes up.
✔️You shut down & cannot operate as your usual self.
✔️You lash out and create drama or reach for a numbing agent.
✔️You attempt to make yourself feel better by changing someone else.
Take heart 💗 This course will set you free once and for all. Promise.
FACT: every single person has emotional triggers.
But only conscious people will be willing to admit this and learn to heal them. The Heal What Hurts process is beautifully done in a safe group setting. You will learn so much from witnessing each other, realizing that you are not alone in feeling a bit nuts from time to time. We all do when triggers are activated. But once you know how to love yourself and others through triggers, they will become much less scary, and you will feel much freer.
Healing your emotional triggers is an inside job. The other person is merely pointing to where your inner work lies. Once you set yourself free, you can truly co-create from a place of clarity and freedom.
Healing is paramount; your lifeforce is depleted when the fight and flight mechanism is activated all too often.
You likely have a habit of numbing yourself when the emotional triggers are activated. Those very numbing agents (sugar, food, alcohol, drugs, electronics, shopping) negatively impact your energy and ability to focus.
Your relationships suffer when you read scary stories into others' failure to meet your needs. This often repels the very person you want acceptance or security from.
How would your relationships change if you were not at the mercy of your triggers?
Where will your relationships end up if your triggers are not addressed?
What dreams are waiting for you to manifest them unhindered by negative programming?
"My heal what hurts work has completely changed the way I react to my husband, the days of uncontrollable drama are just gone!" - Cindy, New York City, NY
"My coaching work with Maria made it clear that my samskaras are very old and that the healing had to happen inside before my relationship could start to change." - Ellena, St. Paul, MN
"I keep returning to the meditations and practices I learned in the Heal what Hurts Course; they are lifelong tools that I am also teaching my daughters." - Eva, Copenhagen, Denmark
"This process felt like I was holding a little version of myself in my lap and allowing him feel and express. The best way I can describe it: it is like relieving pressure out of a pressure cooker. The feeling of freedom is indescribable." - Brant, Minneapolis, MN
The Heal what Hurts Course with Maria Toso is the most valuable tool I have found for healing from emotional volatility. I highly recommend this deeply healing and liberating process. - Sharria, Minneapolis, MN
The emotional freedom gained from The Heal What Hurts Course becomes your foundation for laser-sharp manifesting and healthy relationships.
Disclaimer: This course is not intended as a replacement for medical care. This course is a yogic approach to how our past experiences (samskaras) live in the body's energy field and cause emotional reactivity when stimulated in the present time. This approach to healing the energetic imbalances in the body's energy field is directly born out of Maria’s own experiences with the healing of past trauma in herself and her coaching clients.