I am so glad you are here
Hi. I’m Maria.
I will teach you how to create unshakable ground within. I help you shift from emotionally reactive and easily triggered to a profound sense of self-sufficient calm within. You really can heal your emotional triggers and that will change your relationships profoundly.
Maria Toso, Spiritual Coach and E-RYT 500
I am the founder of The Heal what Hurts Method, the yogic method for releasing negative samskaras and building an unshakable place within.
The method was born out of my own persistent struggle to overcome emotional reactivity seemingly triggered in my close relationships. As I started to truly apply my meditative capacity for presence and breath awareness, I gradually located where my emotional triggers lay hidden like frozen energy knots in the energy field of my body.
What I learned, and continue to learn, through this physical and emotional practice of the Heal what Hurts Method is that we really can locate and release the negative energy patterns that continue to play out as painful life circumstances. What I also learned is that if these samskaras are silenced with either shame or numbing agents, they always end up flaring up at the least opportune time. What we resist really does persist. But what we are willing to feel, can finally and truly heal.
My experience of deep human pain was introduced early when my dad died suddenly when I was 17. In the years to follow, I started my own meditation and yoga practice in the late '80s in Copenhagen where I was born.
My journey since then has been and continues to be, a relentless process of penetrating more and more of my human consciousness with the Divine Light that is my True Being. I know first hand, the pain, and despair that arise when we welcome every part of who we are to become visible and I know the discipline, love, and empathy required to continue to do this inner work even when we hit the inevitable inner roadblocks.
The Heal what Hurts Method is a systematic practice of the deep awareness and empathy necessary to bring lasting healing to the wounded self. It is a misunderstanding to think that the yogic practices will bring nothing but bliss and peace -- they will also bring that -- but whatever your karmic patterns, your samskaras are, and whatever your pain-body looks like, they will need to be addressed with Deep Presence, acceptance and the medicine that a regular authentic yogic practice truly is.
Click Full Bio below for more...
10 Steps to a deeper connection with your own Divine Light
As soon as you wake up say a silent prayer for your day to be guided by Spirit
Light a candle and be still for at least 20 minutes every day (this is more important than checking email or watching the news).
Limit TV and media and electronic music, in the evening in particular
Pray out loud for guidance, don't underestimate the power of prayer, you are always being heard
Get enough sleep, your guides connect with you when your body is resting; healing your body and soul.
Eat high vibration food, mostly fresh produce.
Don't drink alcohol, it's like putting earplugs in and blindfolding yourself to the Spiritual World.
Learn to socialize, dance, and be free in yourself without the help of alcohol
Go for a walk outside every day, preferably in nature.
Do yoga several times a week, take your time in Savasana (corpse pose) lying prostrated on your back at the end of practice. Schedule 10 extra minutes after class to just stay in the afterglow of your practice.
"If God said, 'Rumi pay homage to everything that has helped you enter my arms,' there would not be one experience of my life, not one thought, not one feeling, nor any act, I would not bow to."
– Rumi